Friday 26 June 2015

The Green Screen of Fawkes.

That concludes the shooting days for the Best of Fawkes. I was there the hole time except for the last 10 minutes of the last day. The shooting went fine, a bit over schedule but that's to be expected. One person who was a great asset on the film set was Sarah Dewbery. 
She kept her cool and was a lot of help with the vfx.
In the end the jobs i feel i did in the film shoot were:
  • On Set Prop Manager
  • Art Detectors Assistant
  • On Set Co Costume Manager
  • Set Dressing Team
  • Script Adviser 
  • Continuity Supervisor  
  • Vfx Supervisor 4 Out of 8 Days 

(Again, not all of these are official and for some of them I had help)

Green Screen and The Sleeping John.

Here is some more shots from the green screen shoots. Michael and Shaun were away on personal business (different personal business) for all the green screen days, so I was the vfx supervise and Chris was my assented for the days they were away.

Lynch in His Element.

Here's Lynch's finished costume. This one was a real team effort. 
I did the original concept art and all the mettle work including the mask , John did one of the gauntlets and both the antlers, Chris did the finger armor and Sarah and Lana did the fabric. It all came together for a pretty sweet costume.

Dirty Useless Macs.

One of many meeting in the mac lab. that room is life sucking. 
This meeting was about the website, It looks good.

Panoramas in The Woods.

Here are some panoramas I took of the film site. They where taken with my phone so there not super high quality but they could probably work as a HDRI map if you had nothing else. You would of course need to do so work on them in Photoshop 
but still, not bad.

Another Day in The Woods.

Another day of good whether. The day went a little long but it's hard to complain 
when your in such an idyllic location.

Thai and a Tree.

Here's a look Thai's costume, it came out very nice when you take in account
 the stuff we had to make it. 
This costume was almost entirely made by the art director John, 
he did a great job marrying all the scraps we found into a one consistent costume. 

Title Test.

Here is mock-up I did for the Film title, the detector liked it so it's the one where going with.

A Day in The Woods.

Our first day of shooting in the woods. We had good weather and good times, 
thanks Aman.

Praise The Colossus.

With the exception of some fix up days, this concludes our time in the Tin Shen. All up I spent about 169 hours in the Tin Shed over the first 10 days of the holidays. 
It was a great experiences and I learnt a lot. Thanks to the Tinmin for all there help.
In the end the jobs i feel i did in the pre-production were:
  • Tin Shed Supervisor/Manager
  • Prop Manager
  • Prop Designing Team
  • Prop Building Team
  • Art Detectors Assistant
  • Costume Designing Team
  • Costume Making Team
  • Co Costume Manager
  • Concept Art Team 
  • Script Team
  • Lore Master
  • Modeling, Texturing and Rigging For Pre-Vis
  • Storyboard Artist

(Not all of these are official and for some of them I had help)

Praise the Colossus.

20 Hour for a Rain Day.

A grueling 20:30 hour day in the Tin Shed. We got everything done that we needed to 
but the lack of sleep is catching up with me. It turned out we couldn't even shot the next day but it was still good to get it all done.

Shoes and Tired People.

The Tinmin at the start of a 17 hour day, this was a bit of a dog but we got a lot of work done.


A first look at a part of our costume we outsourced to a fashion student. At the end of the second 16 hour day, it was nice to get someone else to do something for us.

All Hands on Deck.

Some of the team came and gave us a hand in the shed today. 
They where a great help on the first 16 hour day.


'Managing' the Tinmin.

My need for white board lists shows its head in the Tin Shed. Its coming along...

The Superior Side.

Today was a 13 hour day of spray painting and costume management.

The Voyage of the Tinmin.

We did a good 13:45 hours today. We got a bunch of wood pallets for the cave floor. In the process we destroy something beautiful.

Naming The Cast.

I named all the characters today... and the project and planet and everything else...

"No one man should have all that power"

12 Hours of Headgear.

Another 12 hour stint in the tin shed.

I got started on the masks for Lynch and Kari's masks, they where a bit of a prick but they're coming along.